Riverside Radio Control Club


October 1, 2016



 Section 1.   NAME:

The name of this club shall be: Riverside Radio Control Club.  The word "Club" shall hereinafter suffice.


Section 2.   LOCATION:

Riverside California, USA



Section 1.  To promote an active fellowship of those interested in flying radio controlled models and to encourage pilots to a higher standard and proficiency.


Section 2.  To secure a permanent flying site and insurance for protection of others.


Section 3.  To enforce Association of Model Aeronautics (AMA)  and , when necessary, Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) safety guidelines which put flying safety as our primary function.


Section 4.   To exist as a Community Based Organization (CBO).





Current Association of Model Aeronautics (AMA) membership required.


Section 2. DUES 

Dues shall be Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year for each senior member and Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year for each junior  member. Dues are payable on or before the first day of February each new year. New members joining after the February renewal date shall have their dues prorated on a Six (6) month basis.  A member who fails to renew their membership by March 1 will be penalized a late charge of Five Dollars ($5.00)  per month in addition to the dues. If not paid within one (1) year, the person will be dropped from the membership. Reinstatement of club membership will require satisfaction of all previous dues and penalties.




A  field assessment fee of  One hundred dollars ($100.00) for new senior members shall be payable as a condition of membership. The field assessment fee is a one time fee and is not refundable.



Any member in good standing may resign his/her membership by giving written notice to the club.                                 


Section 4.   TERMINATION

If any member ceases to have the qualification necessary for membership in the AMA his/her membership in the Club shall thereby terminate, subject to reinstatement upon restoration of eligibility.



Any member in good standing may request, in writing, Inactive Status from the board of directors for consideration. The member will turn in the membership card to the board when the request is submitted. Inactive status means no club bulletin/newsletter, surrender of membership card and revocation of all flying privileges including as a guest at the field.


Section 6.  EXPULSION

This section provides for enforcement of the Safety Rules that are related to flying activities or any other unacceptable behavior by an individual member or members.  Any individual may be expelled from membership from the Club by a majority vote of the executive board, if in the officers' determination, such individual willfully commits any act or omission which is a violation of any of the terms of these Bylaws, or the Rules of the AMA, or which is detrimental to the Club, the AMA or to model aviation.                         



A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership is required for reinstatement to the Club.



Section 1. OFFICERS 

President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Safety Coordinator.



Officers are elected annually for a term of one year.


Section 3.  DUTIES

Officer duties are outlined in Appendix 1 of these Bylaws.



The President of this Club with approval of the Executive Board shall appoint the Field Marshall,  Newsletter Editor,  Club Webmaster, Program/Event Director and any other he/she deems necessary.  These appointed officers are not voting members of the Executive Board.


Section 5. VACANCIES

Officer vacancies are to be filled by vote of the remaining officers. 



Refer to the Riverside Radio Control Club Constitution  (February 1, 2016) for details on the composition and activities of the Executive Board.




Section 1.   ELECTION 

Nominations for elected officers may be made from the floor at a regular meeting or by mail.  Election of officers shall be by a majority vote of the membership present at the monthly meeting where elections are held.  Usually at the end of the fiscal year.


Section 2.  TERM OF OFFICE 

The officers shall be elected in December to serve for a period of One (1) year beginning terms in January.  Appointed Officers will normally, but not necessarily, serve the same terms as Elected Officers.


Section 3.  SUCCESSION  

Any officer may succeed himself/herself. Any member may decline the nomination to office; however, each member must be willing to work on or with any committee that he/she may be appointed to by request of the President.   



All officers (Elected and Appointed ) serving in the club will be issued free membership for the ensuing year.                             





Regular monthly meetings will be held on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM at the flying field.  Members will be notified by email in advance if there are any changes to this schedule.



Any special meetings of the general membership or Executive Board will be as directed by the Club President.





It shall be the policy of this club that drinking of alcoholic  beverages or being under the influence of alcohol while attending any meeting or flying session will be considered detrimental to the best interest of the club.





Any special committees will be appointed by the Executive Board as needed.  Volunteers will be given priority to be members of the committee.





Regular and special meetings will be conducted using Robert's Rules of Order.


A newsletter named "Prop Talk," edited by the Newsletter Editor, will be published monthly, if possible, to inform the membership of necessary information for safe and responsible flying, keep the membership up to date with AMA directives and information, and publish pictures and articles that would be of interest to the membership.



The duration of this club will be perpetual.  The club may be dissolved with the approval of two-thirds vote of the membership



Section 1.  GUEST RULES

All members are welcome to bring guest or prospective members to the club meetings or invite then to fly at the club flying site.


Section 2.  CONDITIONS

The following conditions exist for non-members flying at the club site:

·       Non-members must have a current AMA membership.

·       Non-members must abide by all on-site rules.

·       Non-members must be accompanied by a club member.

·       Non-members are limited to Three (3) guest flying sessions at the club flying site. Exceptions to be voted on by the Executive Board.




The grievance procedure provides a mechanism to enforce existing safety rules by providing a progressive disciplinary system when needed. Although most complaints can be resolved informally, if a complaint is serious or cannot be resolved informally, the matter should be referred to the Safety Committee for its consideration by means of a Grievance Form (attached) to be filled out and turned into the Safety Committee Chairman. At least one witness is required to sign the Grievance Form.  The Safety officer/Committee shall use its judgment in carrying out any action.



Viewpoints of both complainants and accused will be considered. Complainant's name will be disclosed. A verbal reprimand will be given to the accused by the Safety Officer/Committee, and this will be recorded in the Club records.



Complainant's name will be disclosed. The accused has the right to a written rebuttal, to be reviewed by the Club Safety Officer/Committee. If the Committee so decides, the flying privileges of the accused will be suspended for thirty (30) days. Written notice of this shall be issued and a copy published in the Club newsletter.



Safety Officer/Committee will notify the accused in writing and the Club members via the Club newsletter that the Club will vote on the expulsion of the accused at the next meeting. Said expulsion will last for a one-year minimum. A member may be expelled from the Club only upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. Voting will be by secret ballot at a regular monthly meeting. The expelled member may reapply for membership after the expiration of the expulsion time period.



The three actions will not be enforced unless they are accumulated within a two-year period of time.


Any member receiving a Grievance, who directs any retaliation action against the person filing said grievance, will be subject to immediate expulsion from the Club. This is to include threats, intimidation, physical harm, intentional equipment damage, or any other action deemed to be retaliatory by the Club Officers.





































Appendix 1


1 October, 2016







The president is the executive officer of the club and presides at all meetings. He or she is the spokesperson for the club. He or she appoints standings and special committees as deemed necessary. The president will cast the deciding vote in case of a tied vote.


Vice President:


He or she assists the president in all matters and assumes the duties of the president if for any reason the president is unable to perform those duties. The vice president is responsible for the club meeting schedules and other club events whether scheduled or requested by the club officers or members.




The secretary keeps accurate minutes of all regular scheduled and called club meetings and records attendance.




He or she manages all club funds, collects dues when they are payable, and is authorized to pay any and all club obligations from these funds. Appropriate record keeping of all monetary transactions is expected and a treasurer's report is presented at the request of the president of the club.  He or she maintains an up-to-date membership record of all club members including mailing addresses, AMA membership numbers, and other contact information.

If the vice president is unable to perform his or her duties, the treasurer assists with or takes over the duties as needed.


Safety Coordinator:


The safety coordinator promotes and encourages a climate of safety awareness within the club. He or she provides a communications between AMA and the club in matters related to safety. A safety audit of club facilities, equipment, and grounds to ensure everything is in good working order and safe for normal use by members and the public is recommended at least annually. He or she establishes a club emergency action plan to handle serious accidents/incidents and annually reviews emergency procedures with club members.


Because AMA chartered clubs are required to have a safety coordinator, AMA has some suggested skills and attributes that a person filling the role as safety coordinator might possess:


He or she should mentor, serve as a role model, educator, and a promoter of safety awareness. The safety coordinator should assist in developing club activities from a safety perspective and provide support in running such activities.


Our club's safety coordinator is not the "field police." Rather, he or she should display a positive attitude and willingness to teach others in regards to safety at the club field.


The club should have appropriate measures to handle any safety matters or concerns that may surface. The proper steps in case of a serious safety issues could be established in the club bylaws. The safety coordinator should not be the one making a final decision on safety concerns; these issues should be decided by all the club officers.


Leadership skills, knowledge about the hobby, high standards, and a positive attitude are vital attributes of a successful safety coordinator. He or she should know the club rules and bylaws and lead by example so club members will gain respect and be an encouraging resource to turn to with any safety questions that may arise. A successful and influential safety coordinator is able to use good judgment and common sense when addressing possible safety issues.


Many accidents and injuries can be avoided. Our safety coordinator should communicate effectively and work (with other club officers/members) to develop an ongoing safety education plan. Safety meetings or special safety classes are one way to promote safety! The "Safety Comes First" column in Model Aviation is a good resource for information.





The following officers can be appointed by the club president and their functions can be adjusted or modified at the discretion of the president:


Field Marshall 


He/she shall monitor club flying activities and enforce all field rules and the AMA safety code.  He/she shall also make recommendations to the executive board for field improvements or repair.


Newsletter Editor 


He/she shall attempt to publish a monthly newsletter (PROP TALK), including the minutes from the previous month's meeting, and maintain copies of said newsletters.


Club Webmaster


He/she shall maintain and update the club website (www.riversidercclub.org).


Program/Event Director


He/she shall coordinate field events and contests with the appropriate club officers and event contest directors.  He/she will also ensure contest directors are knowledgeable of our field rules.


Any other officer the club president deems necessary


He/she will carry out the directives of the club president